Posh Corps Podcast Bundle


Posh Corps Podcast Bundle


Get the Posh Corps DVD and the album "Little by Little" by Socorra, the original music composer for Posh Corps. 

Little By Little was written and produced by Socorra during her Peace Corps service in Morocco. It is heavily inspired by her Peace Corps service, and by the Arab Spring protests in Morocco. Socorra's music inspires unmistakable memories of Peace Corps service.  

The Posh Corps DVD contains the full film, along with 6 bonus short films featuring interviews with Peace Corps volunteers who served in Asia, Africa, and Ukraine.  

Posh Corps is a documentary that focuses on the lives of Peace Corps Volunteers in South Africa. 

For fifty years, the US Peace Corps has been sending American volunteers to developing countries around the world to teach skills, and build relationships. As these countries develop, capitol cities become modern enclaves, while rural villages struggle with the cultural strain that accompanies rapid development. 

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